viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

A for and against composition.(Ciclos)

Hello you guys from ciclos!

It's good to see you again. Well, I only saw three of you today in class but I hope to see you all back next Tuesday.
As I told you in class, here is a file with some directions about writing a for and against composition. Very typical at Selectividad or Acceso a Ciclos Tests.
It's all about writing about the advantages or disadvantages of something. For example life in the city/in the country.
Please take a look at the pdf file. Get a printed copy of it and write your composition. (Life in the city).
Send your work by clicking on comentarios and I'll check out your compositions.

See you on Tuesday.

for and against composition

5 comentarios:

  1. Hello,my teacher.Very,very fantasctic,you blog.

  2. Hello Juan, your blog is very interesting, but I think that you can decorate more.


  3. Hello Juan, your blog this one very well but him vendria a bit of happiness.

    Up to tomorrow Vicente

  4. Hi Juan

    I am Javier Díaz Carballeira, the son of Encarna Carballeira. She sent me the url of your blog. It´s very useful and interesting to me.

    If you need a little help with it I can try to help you, I have another blogs and I studied Computer´s Science.

    Best regards

  5. I get up at seven o'clock, eight o'clock start working.
    My day ends at fourteen and thirty minutes.
    At six o'clock in the afternoon my wife and I attended English classes, which causes me anxiety and I have a bad because I find it hard to stay with things.

    We left at half past seven, the rest of the time dedicated to preparing the next day.

    I had to use much the dictionary to write this text.
    Today we can not go to school to prepare our trip to New York, we see the return.

    Vicente greetings
