viernes, 9 de marzo de 2012

St Patrick's Day 2012 The Wild Rover

More songs for St. Patrick's Day.

This one is another must in any pub. It's called The Wild Rover. This song is very popular in Ireland but actually it comes from Scotland. It is considered a drinking song. However, in its origins it was used by the Temperance movement: a kind of  social group in the 19th century that criticized excesive alcohol use and put pressure on the government to promote an anti-alcohol legislation or prohibition of alcohol.

With the past of time, the song became an anthem among beer and whiskey drinkers. Its popularity spread throughout Britain, Ireland and America via Irish immigrants.

Today, the song is used by Blackburn Rovers football fans in England with the words adapted to suit the team in question.
Being a classic, it has been sung by many folk bands worldwide and it's frequently used to put an end to live shows.

We'll hear two versions: one by the Blarney Lads and the other by The Dubliners. The first one is accompanied by beautiful pictures from Ireland. The second one was recorded live in 2007.Which one do you like best?

Now that you've heard the song you can try singing along with this Karaoke version.

Here are the words and my Spanish translation. Notice there may be changes  according to the version because this is a folk song and every singer does their own variations.

The wild rover
I've been a wild rover for many is the year
I spent all me money on whiskey and beer,
But now I'm returning with gold in great store
And I never will play the wild rover no more.

chorus: And it's no, nay, never,
No nay never no more,
Will I play the wild rover
No never no more.

I went into an ale-house I used to frequent
And I told the landlady me money was spent.
I asked her for credit, she answered me "nay
Such a custom as yours I can have any day."


I took from my pocket ten sovereigns bright
And the landlady's eyes opened wide with delight.
She said "I have whiskeys and the wines are the best
And the words that I told they were only in jest."


I'll go home to my parents, confess what I've done
And I'll ask them to pardon their prodigal son.
And when they've caressed me as oft times before
Never never will play the wild rover no more.


El bala perdida
He sido un bala perdida durante mucho tiempo.
He gastado todo mi dinero en whiskey y cerveza.
Y ahora regreso con un montón de oro
Nunca, nunca más volveré a ser un bala perdida .

Estribillo: NO, NO, NUNCA

Fui a una cervecería que solía frecuentar
Le dije a la dueña que había gastado mi dinero.
Le pedí a cuenta y respondió "nanay".
De clientes como tú tendría el bar lleno todos los días.


Saqué de mi bolsillo 10 relucientes soberanos
Y la dueña abrió los ojos de par en par con entusiasmo.
Me dijo: "Tengo los mejores whiskeys y cervezas,  de verdad se lo digo, lo de antes era broma."


Iré a casa de mis padres, les confesaré lo que he hecho.
Les pediré que perdonen a su hijo pródigo.

Y después de abrazarme -como solían hacer antes
Seguro, seguro que nunca, nunca más volveré a ser un bala perdida.


Anytime I hear this song I want to buy a bar and sing it all night long with my best friends. Will you join me for St. Patrick's Day?


3 comentarios:

  1. I prefer the version of The Dubliners, congratulations by the blog. Irish music is nice.

    Carballeira´s son.

  2. I like the song and what I'm learning from the feast of St. Patrick, it is impossible for me to learn in English.
